Horizon Park in Aurora was the most recent location of a preserve and enhance the environment event held by HELPCO on Sunday, September 15th. The event began after 11:00 am and ended around 12:00 pm. After the work was completed, the park and the surrounding vicinity looked even better than before. The HELPCO wagon was again filled with litter and recyclables that were picked up in the park and surrounding area. At the end of the day it was yet another successful event offered by HELPCO.
HELPCO will hold their next preserve and enhance the environment event will be on Sunday, September 22nd, at Blue Grama Grass Park. The park is located 3323 S Jericho Way in Aurora. The event will start at 10:00 am and is scheduled to last for 1 hour but the time will be extended if needed. Look for the HELPCO shirts if you would like to join us. As always you can contact us through the website or social media if you would like to know more. We hope to see you there or at another HELPCO event scheduled weekly.